Volgens mij is dit de BTF die op een beleefde Engelse manier zegt: Don't fucking swim:
"Whilst we fully appreciate the desire to return to swimming activity, it is important that we take appropriate steps. You should ask yourself whether it is a responsible thing for you to do and if in doing so, you are increasing the risk of being a burden on the NHS or emergency services should you require assistance. This includes understanding that you may be putting yourself and others at risk if you do need to be rescued, as any rescue is unlikely to be able to maintain a 2m separation from your rescuers."
In Wales en Schotland is het zelfs expliciet verboden.
En als je zoekt naar de 'appropriate steps', dan kom je niet veel meer tegen dan dat niet alleen moet zwemmen, afstand moet houden, en je geen hulp kunt vragen bij het aantrekken van je wetsuit.
If you do decide to swim anyway, please remember:
We recommend that you never swim alone
That you need to adhere to social distancing requirements throughout your swim, including changing, which means you can’t ask for help with a wetsuit
Beaches remain un-lifeguarded
https://www.britishtriathlon.org/news/u … ing-_13888